Fundamentals of Agronomy

 Syllabus And Notse  Fundamentals of Agronomy 


1. Agriculture-definition and importance of agriculture .

2. Agronomy-meaning and scope of Agronomy .

3. Types of seeds, dormancy of seeds .

4. Viability of seeds, seed treatment .

5. Sowing-methods, depth, plant density .

6. Nursery bed and transplanting .

7. Crop density and geometry .

8. Optimum plant population . 

9. Tillage-definition and types of tillage including minimum and no tillage.  

10. Tilth-definition and characteristics of good tilth. 

11. Crop nutrition-essential nutrients-classification . 

12. Nutrient mobility in plants, Factors affecting nutrient availability . 

13. Functions and deficiency symptoms of primary nutrients . 

14. Manures –types, nutrient content , 

15. Green manures, compost ,

16. Fertilizers , INM .

17. Nutrient use efficiency .

18. Irrigation : definition and objectives .

19. Water resources and irrigation development in India and Rajasthan. 

20. Soil moisture constants and theories of soil water availability .

21. Crop water requirement and factors affecting it .

22. Scheduling of irrigation: meaning and different approaches for scheduling irrigation in field crops.

23. Surface methods of irrigation ; border , furrow , check basin and basin methods .

24. Sprinkler and drip methods; their layout, adaptability , advantages and limitations. 

25. Irrigation efficiency ; different terms used and their importance. 

26. Water use efficiency -factors affecting and agronomic techniques to boost WUE 

27. Irrigation water quality- different criteria and limits used, effect of poor quality water on plant growth . 

28. Management practices for efficient use of poor quality waters including conjunctive use of water.  

29. Agricultural drainage- definition, benefits and different methods of drainage. 

30. Growth and development of crops.

31. factors affecting growth and development,  

32. Plant ideotypes, 

33 Crop rotation and its principles, 

34 Adaptation and distribution of crops,.

35 Crop management technologies in problematic areas .

36 Harvesting and threshing of crops .

37 Weeds – definition , harmful and beneficial effects and classification .

38 Ecology of weeds .

39 Weed - reproduction and seed dissemination .

40 Crop-weed competition-concept and allelopathy .

41 Concepts of weed prevention, eradication and weed control . 

42 Physical and cultural methods of weed control .

43 Chemical and biological methods of weed control . 

44 Integrated weed management - An introduction .

45 Introduction to herbicides, advantages and limitations of herbicides usages , 

46 Classification of herbicides.

47 Herbicidal selectivity and resistance. 

48 Allelopathy . 

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